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Contact Ashpool

If you wish to contact Ashpool to obtain a review copy of our upcoming CD release, are a program director for a radio station, wish to contact Ashpool for an interview or book Ashpool for an event or show or would like to license any Ashpool recording for use in advertising or film, please use the form below to contact Ashpool and we will get back to you as soon as possible

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©2001-2010 Ashpoolmusic



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1 City Limits *
2 Task Manager Funk *
3 Snapdragon
4 Makeshift Memorial
5 The Process (2009)
6 Snooze Button
7 Mr. Biggly (2009)
8 Scrapbook *
9 Rain Delay
10 Flavour Country
11 Chaos-Slammy *

* Patrick Connolly on Guitar

For a preview of our new CD five tracks have been taken from Makeshift Memorial E.P. and remastered. So go have a listen.



What others have said about Ashpool

"Although only a segment of a set, this track certainly gives you enough of a sample of the group's talent and power to want to hear more. ...this track has that long jam feel like the Dead, Mountain, Santana and all the others who just let thelr love of music flow and flow."
- Eclectic Connection
(Review of "Biggly Live 2005")

"a raw post-punk meets 80's Crimsoid dissonance blended with elements of jazz and free-metal"
- Expose Magazine
(Progwest 2001 review)

"Extraordinarily Original and Inventive Music, unlike anything else you are likely to hear anywhere else on THIS planet"
Steve Iannetti (

"...left me crawling helplessly around on the floor, searching for my discarded belief system..."
Scrappi DuChamp -Mondo Vanilli

"This is a very percussive guitar driven trio with an edge that reflects their influence King Crimson and Frank Zappa. "
- New Instrumental Essentials